Sunday, June 6, 2010

Kare Kano.......

I have just finished watching the anime "Kareshi Kanojo no JiJou" or Kare Kano for short.  I happened to come across it when I was searching for something watch.  The synopsis seemed interesting so I made a go for it.  By the way, I am not doing a review here....just what I thought of the show. 

In general, the show was good but it was weird during some episodes.  One episode showed all the characters in stick figures, you could literally see the drawings on paper stuck to lollipop sticks moving about the screen.  There were a lot of recaps and I mean a lot of them.  Most each episode would have a recap so imagine going through the story and by the time you get to about episode 20 - how long would that recap be right?  There was even one episode dedicated to just recaps.  I've learned the this was due to budget constraints so they have to make do with whatever I guess. 

Prior to actually finishing the anime, I've read a lot of reviews about how the ending did not have a closure at all and that you should read the manga.  At that point I was having second thoughts about finishing the show, however, the story in itself was good if you overlook the lollipop sticks and the multi-recaps.  I gave it a chance...I read the manga ending for which I was satisfied with considering they were still together after sixteen years with three kids.  The anime ending with the manga ending - I am satisfied with the whole show.  I am not so much a manga reader so therefore, it does not bother me if I don't know what's happened between the time the anime ended and the manga ended.  I've read bits and pieces out of curiousity, there were a lot of ups and downs, dark episodes and such - that's okay I don't need to know all that.  For me what's important is that they've made it through all that - I'm sure there's going to be more ups and downs ahead but such is life. 

Why I liked this show was because it did not have these love triangles and typical complications of a romantic story, but rather focused on the relationship developing between the two characters and how they've grown together. 

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