Friday, June 18, 2010

.....can't think of a title

I must have a "talk to me" sign hanging above my head today. Everyone just seems to be in a really talkative mood. This guy however, tops my list. As I was leaving from the office, there was somebody by the elevator banks who at first seemed lost, he said "hi" in the most enthusiastic voice, so I said "hi, can I help you?". "Oh no, he says, I'm just saying hi." Okay....but then he goes on "It's Friday after all".....uhmm, what if it wasn't a Friday?! He gets on the same elevator as me and still goes on about his plans for the weekend...okay, now I know his big plans - since it's going to be a longer weekend for him, rather than just cleaning the floors of his apartment, he is gonna go all out and clean the bathroom as well - all these in a span of 80 seconds from the 21st floor to the ground floor. Thank the heavens the elevator doors opened as he has just asked me what my plans were for the weekend - I wasn't about to let him know that it isn't as exciting as cleaning house.

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