Saturday, July 21, 2012

Long time no post.....

Just checked my last's been months!

An update to my blog's title...I am now learning Korean too.  I've had two courses so far.  It was slow learning.  I think it was because of the class set-up.  I was fun nevertheless and I didn't mind going once a week.  I finally was able to join a Korean-English language exchange meet-up group.  I couldn't go as often as I want to..scheduling is hectic these days, what with summer break and all.  Lots to do, only 24 hrs in a day!  I met my friend 소아 through this meet-up and we do language exchange in our free time.  I am finally able to make sentences!  Yipee!

I am travelling to South Korea in three weeks.  Important phrase to remember: 

구두얼마예요?  I am addicted to shoes you see.  I have to go shopping for shoes. ^^ is a nice day, a cool relief from the hot summer weather so I am going to out and about...though I have a feeling I might end up going to the mall. Oh well...

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