Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Choya Umeshu

I finally found umeshu at the LCBO, I was looking all over the store but couldn't find it, good thing I have my trusty iPhone, showed the LCBO guy the Choya from their website - of course, he says, we have Choya and directed me towards the "New Zealand" shelves....ummm....there was no way I could have found Japanese Plum Wine under New Zealand - I wouldn't even think about it - they aren't even neighbors are they?  Anyways, it was actually on a shelf behind "New Zealand".  So these things are not cheap.  It was $31.50 for this bottle.....but as I have been looking for it - I had this kind of obsession that I had to have it.  I couldn't very well not buy it when I finally found it.  And by the way, it isn't plum wine - it's Ume Liqueur.  Ahhhh.....now I get it:  Ume = Plum,  Shu = alcoholic drink.

(^_^)  Looking forward to enjoying this stuff (^_^)

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