Friday, February 12, 2010

Raw Chicken Sushi - Tori Sushi

私は とりすし を インタネト で けんさく しました。ふつう の では ありません。 とりすし を 
たべません でした みらいに たべません。 なまの とりすし を きみよう たべます. 私は 
とりにく を すき つくます。

What I mean to say above is.....

I searched the internet  about tori sushi.  It is not common.  I have not eaten tori sushi nor am I going to eat it in the future.  Eating raw chicken is strange.  I prefer my chicken meat cooked.

.......yeah yeah my sentences are choppy - still as I say - what the heck this is my blog (^_^)

How this entry came about.....

When I heard about tori sushi, it made me curious because even our sensei hasn't tried it.  So I searched the net....wouldn't you know it some people have actually tried it - all I can say is - ewww.  I've always been one to say that before you say ewwww - give it a try first - if you don't like it fine, if you do then good.  But the very idea of eating raw chicken just makes my stomach queasy.  I will eat raw seafood - but to me any animal that lives on land should be cooked before eaten.  However, I do eat raw eggs - given time they would eventually become chickens - so does that mean I've tried raw chicken?

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